Do you need a GED®? Help with building your resume? Childcare assistance? Then EMPOWER is for you!

Do you need a GED®? Help with building your resume? Childcare assistance? Then EMPOWER is for you!

EMPOWER, standing for Economic Mobility Places Ownership within Everyone’s
Reach, provides training, workshops, and personalized coaching to ensure
Riverside families have the tools they need to achieve financial freedom and
build generational wealth.
EMPOWER supports our community by investing in Riverside’s human capital.
Paired with its companion project, RESTORE, which invests in physical capital,
EMPOWER supports the development of the skills, knowledge, and behaviors
necessary to achieve economic mobility and financial independence. This
holistic support prepares individuals or families for homeownership and
decreases dependence on financial subsidies.
EMPOWER services educate, coach, and engage residents of the Riverside community
in asset-building services to create long-term financial independence and
stability for their families. EMPOWER economic mobility services include group
financial education, individual coaching, career readiness workshops, and
employment assistance. The program equips participants with the skills to
operate a positive budget by increasing income, savings, and credit scores,
while decreasing debt and dependence on subsidies.
When an individual or family begins the EMPOWER program, they are first
introduced to the Intake and Crisis Management Specialist (ICMS). The ICMS
determines eligibility and reviews the enrollment process for the program. The
ICMS then uses an assessment tool to complete an interview to determine the
type of support needed for each individual or family. After the assessment,
participants are paired with a Navigational Coach or Employment Specialist who
creates an individualized service plan to support individuals in achieving
their personal objectives.
EMPOWER offers connection to a variety of services which include, but are
not limited to:

Financial Literacy
Financial literacy workshops are available to EMPOWER participants as well as the wider community to help with building a budget, lowering debt, improving credit, growing savings, and planning for a financially stable future. Services include:
- Banking/Credit Union Services
- Credit Building programs and low-interest loans
- Financial Management Workshops
- One-On-One Financial Coaching and Assessments
- Savings strategies
Health and Wellness
In partnership with The WRK Group, EMPOWER offers a variety of services that promote community health and wellness, including offering primary healthcare services through ChristianaCare located at Kingswood Community Center. Services also include:
- Behavioral and Mental Health Services, including substance use services
- Food/Nutrition Programs
- Health Screenings/Assessments/Improvement Strategies
- Primary Care Services
Economic Independence
EMPOWER encourages individuals to pursue their personal dreams for success including career development, GED certificates, and entrepreneurism.
- Career readiness workshops
- Connection with higher education and advanced training programs
- GED Preparation and Adult Basic Education
- Employment Coaching
- Homeownership preparation programs and services
- Individual job search, application, placement, and retention assistance
- Resume writing support
- Tutoring and additional academic supports
Family Support Services
EMPOWER and Kingswood Community Center are here for you, no matter what. We offer childcare, emergency support, and so much more. Stop by our location to learn about the full menu of support features.
- Childcare support
- Emergency Food and Clothing
- Fee Assistance
- Individualized Service Plan (Milestone setting, barrier identification, and crisis management)
- Referral to external partners who provide supportive resources
- Transportation Assistance

Through this thoughtful, individualized process, the WRK Group will support an increase in long-term neighborhood employment and income rates. In connection with the RESTORE initiative, the WRK Group is developing additional housing in the Riverside Community with the expressed goal of retaining families from Riverside while increasing the size of the community overall, achieving a balanced mixed-income community. The growing community will provide rental properties in addition to homeownership opportunities. The community can build generational health and wealth for their families when they are able to successfully transition from subsidized housing to affordable housing to market rate housing ultimately leading to homeownership. The journey is entirely directed by the residents, however, and there are no requirements to purchase a home in Riverside or anywhere else.
You can do this by:
- Click the button below to fill out the online interest form:
- OR Call 302-232-7910 to learn more
- Walk-in and Kingswood staff will assist you
You can do this by:
- Click the button below to fill out the online interest form:
- OR Call 302-232-7910 to learn more
- Walk-in and Kingswood staff will assist you